Your course dashboard


I recommend bookmarking this page as your go-to when you visit the site!

Key links:

  1. Class announcements, assignment links, and discussion board

  2. Easy access to slides

  3. My “Class-Notes” repo

Links 2 and 3 won’t be available until after the first class.


To get class announcements, you must get on the Github org’s “classmates” team! Follow the set up steps here.

(Announcements will NOT be made on Coursesite.)


Upcoming Task Deadlines

Tasks in black should be completed BEFORE the 10:45am class starts.

Due By Task

Upcoming Classes

Date Class

Big picture

Big picture

install all programs
basics of Python (Jupyter Lab) and GitHub
debugging (YUCK) and the process of coding
project management and programming golden rules
-1 Assignment
learn packages: numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib
wrangling data with pandas
visualization (intro and best practices/tips)
playing with our first serious finance datasets
merging data
-3 Assignments
learn packages: requests_html, requests, bs4, urllib, re
click and download, API plug ins, custom API, and scraping
parsing and searching text
- 1 Project
learn packages: scikit-learn
keeping analysis methodology in analysis context
not just "do this", but "why are we doing this"
regressions - how to do > interpret > design > do
(un)supervised ML - how to do > interpret > design > do
-4 Assignments (last one is the contest)
-1 Group Project

Full semester schedule

Coming back soon.

Completed Tasks

Due By Task
May 05Personal website graded
May 03Project peer evals due at 11pm EST
May 01Project websites
May 01Project presentations
Apr 29ASGN 8 (Prediction contest) due at 5pm!!!
Apr 23ASGN 7 Peer review due at 8pm EST
Apr 21ASGN 7 due at 8pm EST
Apr 19Project Proposal Revisions due at 8pm EST
Apr 17Read 8.5 before class
Apr 15Read 8.6 before class
Apr 12Last day to withdraw
Apr 12Initial Project Proposals due at 4pm EST
Apr 10Important: Read 8.4 BEFORE class
Apr 08Important: Read 8.1-8.3 BEFORE class
Apr 03ASGN 6 Peer review due at 8pm EST
Apr 03Reading: 7 (all of)
Mar 31ASGN 6 due at 8pm EST
Mar 26Midterm/ASGN5 Peer review due at 8pm EST
Mar 25Reading: Rest of Chapter 6
Mar 22Midterm/ASGN5 due at 4pm EST
Mar 20Submit team stuff, questions via email
Mar 20Reading: 6.1 and 6.2
Mar 18Reading: 5 (all of)
Mar 11Spring Break
Mar 04Reading: 4.4 (and all subsections)
Mar 01ASGN 4 Peer review due at 8pm EST
Feb 28Reading: 4.2 and 4.3
Feb 26ASGN 4 due at 8pm EST
Feb 26Reading: 4.1 and 4.2
Feb 23ASGN 3 Peer review due at 8pm EST
Feb 21Reading: 3.4.2 - 3.4.4
Feb 19Reading: 3.4.1 and subparts
Feb 18ASGN 3 due at 8pm EST
Feb 16ASGN 2 Peer review due at 8pm EST
Feb 14Reading: Finish all of 3.3
Feb 12Reading: 3.3.1-3.3.4
Feb 11ASGN 2 due at 8pm EST
Feb 09ASGN 1 Peer review due at 8pm EST
Feb 07Reading: Finish all within 3.1 and 3.2
Feb 07Exercises: 3.2.8
Feb 07Please complete check-in survey :)
Feb 05Code Practice: 3.1.3
Feb 05Reading: Start 3.1 and 3.2
Feb 04ASGN 1 due at 8pm EST
Feb 04ASGN 1 due at 8pm EST
Jan 31Reading: 2.1-2.8
Jan 31(Optional) Do Chapter 2 (basic syntax) to 14 (modules) of Whirlwind of Python.
Jan 29Finish the Jupyterlab exercises
Jan 29Reading: 1.1-1.8
Jan 29Read "How to do assignments"
Jan 24Invite Brooks (@brookswalsh) and me (@donbowen) to your Class Notes repo
Jan 24Complete the GitHub Exercises
Jan 24Read the syllabus section on the site
Jan 24Finish all the set up tasks (1.2)
Jan 23Once I accept you into the organization, go to the GitHub discussion board,find the link to start the first assignment and click it!
Jan 22Click on the link in coursesite to join the class's GitHub organization
Jan 22Fill out this survey
Jan 22Create GitHub account