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Assignments and participation
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Midterm project AKA ASGN 5
Personal Website AKA ASGN 9
Final projects
1. Motivation and Getting Started
1.1. Motivation
1.2. Set up
1.3. GitHub Basics
1.4. The GitHub Workflow
1.5. Markdown basics
1.6. Jupyter Lab Basics
1.7. Python Basics
1.8. Debugging
1.9. Errors
1.10. Libraries/Packages
1.11. Gitignore Files
2. Good Analysis Practices
2.1. A case study of bad research
2.2. The golden rules
2.3. Organizing your projects
2.4. Filepaths
2.5. Storing data smartly
2.6. Functions
2.7. Writing good code comments
2.8. Writing good code
3. Wrangling with Data
3.1. Numpy
3.1.1. Numpy + Scientific Computing
3.1.2. A (Very) Short Introduction
3.1.3. Exercises
3.1.4. More Resources
3.2. Pandas
3.2.1. Tips
3.2.2. Vocab and Long vs Wide Data
3.2.3. Common Functions
3.2.4. Temp. vs Perm. Objects
3.2.5. Golden Rules + EDA
3.2.6. Pandas Chains
3.2.7. Common Tasks
3.2.8. Exercises
3.2.9. Summary and Resources
3.3. Data Visualization
3.3.1. The Role of Viz in Analysis
3.3.2. Making a Plot
3.3.3. Which Plot Type Should I Use?
3.3.4. Visual EDA Walkthrough
3.3.5. Visual EDA Tools
3.3.6. Better Plots
3.3.7. Customizing figures
3.3.8. Interactive plots:
3.3.9. Exercises
3.4. Other (Important) Data Wrangling Skills
3.4.1. Merging
3.4.2. Dealing with Missing Data
3.4.3. Dealing with Outliers
4. Building and Using Large (Textual) Data
4.1. Getting Data off the Web
4.2. Opening + Parsing
4.3. Building a spider
4.4. Exploiting Textual Data
4.4.1. Working with Python Strings
4.4.2. Regex basics
4.4.3. Developing a regex
4.4.4. Intro to NLP - The Anchor Phase Technique
5. Data Science Intro
5.1. The promise of ML
5.2. Planning a project
5.3. ML Gone Wrong
5.4. Coding in Teams
5.5. Sharing large files
6. Regression
6.1. Basics and Notation
6.2. Mechanics of running regressions
6.3. Goodness of Fit
6.4. Interpreting regression coefficients
6.5. Statistical significance
warnings about “statistical significance”
6.7. Summary and Resources
7. ML - Intro & Discussion
7.1. The objective of machine learning
7.2. Data Leakage - Illustration
7.3. Data Leakage - Illustration 2
7.4. Data Leakage Defined
7.5. Model evaluation via cross validation (CV)
7.6. Model evaluation via Out-of-Sample (OOS)
7.7. Evaluating models
7.8. Model selection
8. ML - Code & Implementation
8.1. Best Practice Pseudo Code
8.2. SKLearn Intro
8.3. Cross-Validation
8.4. Pipelines
8.5. Preprocessing
8.6. Optimizing a Model
8.7. Many Models
9. Finance Applications
9.1. Compounding returns
9.2. Rolling returns
9.3. Expanding returns
9.4. Estimating CAPM
9.5. Estimating better models
9.6. Supercharged resources/packages
10. The Future
10.1. Saving Your Work
10.2. Faster, better, stronger
10.3. Dashboards
Slides and Memes
Slides from previous classes
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