4.4.4. Finding words near each other

You can find and download this function here.

I usually put it in the same folder as my code for an assignment, and then in the assignment write from NEAR_regex import NEAR_regex. Then, you can use it in an assignment without pasting this big block of code into it.

def NEAR_regex(list_of_words,max_words_between=5,partial=False,cases_matter=False):
    list_of_words : list
        A list of "words", each element is a string
        This program will return a regex that will look for times where word1 
        is near word2, or word2 is near word 1.
        It works with multiple words: You can see if words1 is near word2 or
    max_words_between : int, optional
        How many "words" are allowed between words in list_of_words. The default
        is 5, but you should consider this carefully.
        "words" in between are chunks of characters. "DON don don- don12 2454" 
        is 5 words.
        This will not allow matches if the words are separated by a newline 
        ("\n") character.
    partial : Boolean, optional
        If true, will accept longer words than you give. For example, if one 
        word in your list is "how", it will match to "howdy". Be careful in 
        choosing this based on your problem. Partial makes more sense with 
        longer words. 
        The default is True.
    cases_matter: Boolean, optional bt IMPORTANT
        If True, will return a regex string that will only catch cases where  
        words in the string have the same case as given as input to this 
        function. For example, if one word here is "Hi", then the regex 
        produced by this function will not catch "hi".
        If false, will return a regex string that will only work if all letters
        in search string are lowercase.
        The default is True.
    See the last example. The regex is minimally greedy. 
    Feature Requests (participation credit available)
    1. A wrapper that takes the above inputs, the string to search, and a variable=count|text, and
    returns either the number of hits or the text of the matching elements. (See the examples below.)
    2. Optionally clean the string before the regex stuff happens.
    3. Optionally ignore line breaks. 
    4. Make it maximally greedy (unclear ~exactly~ what that means: in the last example,
    the "correct" answer is probably 2, but one ~could~ argue it is 4.)
    Unsure about speed
    I don't think this is a very "fast" function, but it should be robust. 
    Suggested use
    # clean your starting string 
    a_string_you_have = 'jack and jill went up the hill'
    # 1. define words and set up the regex
    words = ['jack','hill']                         
    rgx = NEAR_regex(words)                       
    # 2a. count the number of times the word groups are in the text near each other
    count = len(re.findall(rgx,a_string_you_have))              
    # 2b. print the actual text matches <-- great for checking!
    text_of_matches = [m.group(0) for m in re.finditer(rgx,a_string_you_have)]

    A string which is a regex that can be used to look for cases where all the 
    input words are near each other.

    from itertools import permutations
    start = r'(?:\b' # the r means "raw" as in the backslash is just a backslash, not an escape character
    if partial:
        gap   = r'[A-Za-z]*\b(?: +[^ \n\r]*){0,' +str(max_words_between)+r'} *\b'
        end   = r'[A-Za-z]*\b)'
        gap   = r'\b(?: +[^ \n]*){0,' +str(max_words_between)+r'} *\b'
        end   = r'\b)'
    regex_list = []
    for permu in list(permutations(list_of_words)):
        # catch this permutation: start + word + gap (+ word + gap)... + end
        if cases_matter: # case sensitive - what cases the user gives are given back
        else: # the resulting search will only work if all words are lowercase
            lowerpermu = [w.lower() for w in permu]
    return '|'.join(regex_list)
import re

test  = 'This is a partial string another break with words'
words = ['part','with']
rgx   = NEAR_regex(words)
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test)))            # no match (partials not allowed) - good!
rgx = NEAR_regex(words,partial=True)
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test)))            # match (partials allowed) - good!
rgx   = NEAR_regex(words,partial=True,max_words_between=1)
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test)))            # no match (too far apart) - good!
words = ['part','With']
rgx   = NEAR_regex(words,partial=True,cases_matter=True)
words = ['part','with','this']
rgx = NEAR_regex(words,partial=True)
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test)))           # no match - good! "This" != "this"
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test.lower())))    # match - good!
test  = 'This is a partial string \n another break with words'
words = ['part','with']
rgx = NEAR_regex(words,partial=True)
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test)))            # fails because of the \n break
test  = 'This is a partial string \r another break with words'
words = ['part','with']
rgx = NEAR_regex(words,partial=True)
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test)))            # fails with \r too.
test  = 'This is a partial string                      another break with words'
words = ['part','with']
rgx = NEAR_regex(words,partial=True)
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test)))            # extra spaces don't affect
test  = 'hey jimmy                      hey james'
words = ['hey','(jimmy|james)']             # search for one word near EITHER of two others
rgx = NEAR_regex(words,max_words_between=1)
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test)))            # both are caught
rgx = NEAR_regex(words,max_words_between=2)
print(len(re.findall(rgx,test)))            # the regex isn't greedy - it misses inner matches!
rgx = NEAR_regex(words,max_words_between=1)
[m.group(0) for m in re.finditer(rgx,test)]
['hey jimmy', 'hey james'] Practice

Let’s use Telsa:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re

url = 'https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000156459019003165/0001564590-19-003165.txt'
r = requests.get(url)

# putting the "Good ideas" from 4.4 to work:
lower = BeautifulSoup(r.content).get_text().lower()
no_punc = re.sub(r'\W',' ',lower)
cleaned = re.sub(r'\s+',' ',no_punc).strip()
# copy the function into your working directory next to this file

#from near_regex import NEAR_regex 


# try to use NEAR_regex... look for it working and failing...