About us

Professor - Donald Bowen


My research: https://bowen.finance
Email: deb219
GitHub: donbowen

Somehow, I am still a Lions fan, even though stints in AZ, NY, MD, DC, CA, VA, PA and FL has given me many chances to abandon ship! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

TA - Keisha Modi

Picture of TA

Personal website: https://keishamodi.github.io/
Email: ktm225

I am a senior double majoring in Finance and Business Analytics. My interests include: TAing ;), Sprinting and Jumping for Lehigh, and dancing.

Drop-in Hours aka “Office Hours”

They are listed on the discussion board for your class. Office hour schedules can and do change during the semester, so please check back!

Note: You can’t see the discussion board until you complete the set up instructions.


I suspect that the initial learning curve will be steep, so we have posted a lot of office hours. Around Valentines Day, we will reduce our explicit office hours. Remember, when you get stuck, especially on installation and set up issues,